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Within each match day, eight matches are played at the same time. Matches last an average of 2:30 minutes, followed by a display of results. It is possible to relate it with the offer of other virtual games Betradar provider in the Mozzart company. Betting on a VBL match is allowed up to 10 seconds before kick-off. Betting markets for future match days of the current season remain open. When a future match day from the ‘Match Day’ bar at the bottom is selected, the matches related to that day along with the odds will be displayed in the lower odds section. Within the VBL, there is the possibility of betting on the following games and sub-games: It is not allowed to combine the games from VBL offer with other sport betting (for example, tennis or basketball betting regularly offered by Mozzart company). Payment. 7. Virtual American Football.
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